ISRI Code No (200 – 206)
a. Cleanness. All grades shall be free of dirt, nonferrous metals, or foreign material of any kind, and excessive rust and corrosion. However, the terms
“free of dirt, nonferrous metals, or foreign material of any kind” are not intended to preclude the accidental inclusion of negligible amounts where it can
be shown that this amount is unavoidable in the customary preparation and handling of the particular grade involved.
b. Off-grade material. The inclusion in a shipment of a particular grade of iron and steel scrap of a negligible amount of metallic material which exceeds to a minor extent the applicable size limitations, or which fails to a minor extent to meet the applicable requirements as to quality or kind of material, shall not change the classification of the shipment, provided it can be shown that the inclusion of such off-grade material is unavoidable
in the customary preparation and handling of the grade involved.